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A Romance Backstory Finally Told

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Devotedly, The Personal Letters and Love Story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot brings to life the previously untold story of romance between Elisabeth Howard and Jim Elliot.

Years ago, Elisabeth Elliot bequeathed to her daughter Valerie a special collection of letters written to her (Elisabeth Howard) from Jim Elliot between 1948 and 1953. But with eight children and a household of activity, this pastor’s wife stored them in her attic. Then one day, when the whirlwind of life slowed, the treasure trove with its contents emerged. Soon, this extraordinary book, Devotedly, The Personal Letters and Love Story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot by Valerie Elliot Shepard came into being.

Drawing from journals, diaries, and these letters, the only daughter of this legendary missionary couple tells the backstory of their romance:

~They only saw each other five times in five years.

~Their individual relationships with God, and His supreme call on their lives, consistently took precedence over their relationship with each other.

~His divine purpose ruled their wills, and a future together was not a foregone conclusion.

~At a tender moment in their relationship, Elisabeth was diagnosed with tuberculosis.


What other discoveries await the reader inside these covers? For starters, just imagine, he called her Betts; she called him Jim, my darling. But these terms of endearment waited years for expression.

Upon reading the pages, I collected a plethora of quotes in hopes of providing you with insight into the magnificence of this relationship, and how it developed. (Elizabeth Howard, EH; Jim Elliot, JE) Believe me, this brief collection serves only as a preview!

[Note: These quotes are taken directly from the new book, Devotedly, The Personal Letters and Love Story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, B&H Publishing Group]


Wept myself to sleep last night after seeing Betty off at the depot. JE

I’d rather walk with God in the darkness than go alone in the light. EH

I stand now in darkness-the only glimmer of vision into the future is the faint apprehension of a road I do not care to tread. EH

Lord, rule my will and affections. EH

All that I ought to be, Christ is. And Christ liveth in me. Enough? It is enough. EH

It’s a matter of the WILL; you make a CHOICE not to worry or fret. EH

Grace for tomorrow is never given today. Neither is grace given for imaginations. EH

I love him with all my being. EH

To marry you would be an admission to myself that Christ is not sufficient. JE

This morning I feel that nameless depression which comes to me when alone and in new circumstances. EH

Worship is excellent exercise for the soul. Makes a man big inside, makes him feel like he has found what he was built for — though he is conscious that he is inept. JE

September 20 I really knew that I loved her. JE

Jim said, “Do you realize what it may cost?” (speaking of the possibility of his going into work among the Aucas). Yes, I realize what it may cost—death. And it is not as though I have not considered this possibility before. EH

Funny, but I never think of my having the accident and your losing me … JE

Jim, my darling, I pour out my heart in thanksgiving to the Lord for you, every time I go to pray…. EH

Forget not in age what tenderness you knew there, my soul. JE

Because more than anything else I know, Betts dearest, what I want to do is make you happy. JE

I love you madly, and think there just isn’t anyone else to compare. EH

How I praise God for him - no one could ask for more of like than to be loved as I am loved. EH



Now, with these few excerpts served as an appetizer, treat yourself to a feast of reading from Devotedly, The Personal Letters and Love Story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot.

But first, get a cup of coffee, sit down, and listen to this one-of-a-kind interview with author and daughter, Valerie Elliot Shepard. Here, with deep emotion, she pours out her heartfelt motivation for writing the book. Every letter has so many profound truths in them that they are precious. They are treasures, unbelievable treasures … My father and mother’s love was huge, deep, because they were so committed to loving God first … I hope to carry on the legacy simply by telling the story.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

While readers of Elisabeth Elliot will recognize some of her familiar teachings, is there something new here that arrests your attention?

Where is there encouragement for today’s couples seeking God’s will in their relationship?