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Don't Forget to Pack Your Attitude

Packing My Suitcase

In the rush to get out the door with our bag packed in peace, typically we go through the litany of questions:

  1. How many of this, how much of that?

  2. Needed and necessary, or silly and superfluous?

  3. Number of days, number of vitamins?

  4. Do I roll, or do I fold?

  5. And the weather, what about the weather?

Yet, there is so much more to travel than tossing stuff into a bag, right? “If 90% of life is attitude and the other 10% is perspective,” as has been said, then attitude deserves our undivided attention. You and I take ourselves with us wherever we go. A plane trip does not make a better me.

Packing My Attitude

So, in the suitcase of our minds, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to do His work to prepare us to take off. Using Galatians 5:22-23, we ask Him to fill us with His attitude of:

  • Love

  • joy

  • peace

  • patience

  • kindness

  • goodness

  • faithfulness

  • gentleness and

  • self-control

Against such things there is no law.

Now, Bon voyage takes on a whole new purpose when we allow the Lord to guide us in packing both our suitcase and our attitude! Without Him, we can do nothing. (paraphrase John 15:5). Jesu Juva.

We take ourselves with us wherever we go. A plane trip does not make a better me; only God can accomplish this.

Living With Eternal Intentionality®

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

Will your summer include staying at home or traveling?

How do you make sure your attitude is ready to travel?